My Top 5 Auto Suggest Search (Autocomplete) for Keyword Research

aliyztraffic by Aliyy z.
4 min readMar 19, 2023


Auto Suggest shows keyword ideas that are frequently searched on search engines. These keywords are very helpful in discovering relevant keyword ideas for online contents. Join me as I share with you my Top 5 Auto Suggest Search which displays accurate Auto Suggest keyword ideas.

Top 5 Auto Suggest Search

5) Etsy Auto Suggest is an American e-commerce website where people customize, buy, and sell handmade, unique, and vintage items. Etsy’s website has one of the best online Search Engine that displays realistic keyword ideas.

Simply visit the site Etsy, type in any word in the search bar, and you’ll get multiple keyword suggestions related to the word you typed.

The common practice used while finding keyword ideas from Auto Suggest is by typing in the first word, followed by the first letter or alphabet of the second word. This will automatically display suggestions for several keyword ideas that starts with the alphabet you typed.

For example, type in “fashion e” and you’ll get suggestions of keyword ideas that start with the alphabet “e”. The image below shows you a practical example.

4) Amazon Auto Suggest

If you run a business that deals with physical products, then Amazon Auto Suggest is the best place for you to get promising keyword ideas that can help you attract relevant customers to your business or products.
You can achieve that by simply visiting the official website of Amazon.

Type in any word related to your targeted keyword in the Search Box.

For example, I typed in ‘‘casino’’.

In the image below, you can see the suggested keyword ideas displayed.

Amazon is really a great place to get keyword ideas that are very helpful for online marketing.

3) Pinterest Auto Suggest

After the Pinterest keyword tool, Pinterest Auto Suggest is also a promising place where you can discover handful number of keywords that people are searching for on the platform.
With millions of monthly users, Pinterest is an image-based search engine platform that can be used by any online marketer to promote products and drive more traffic to their websites, blogs, and other businesses.

2) YouTube Auto Suggest

Getting YouTube SEO right is a major source of online traffic which can lead to your websites or blogs. By using YouTube’s Auto Suggest, you can get tons of keyword ideas that you wouldn’t have thought of initially.

Simply visit YouTube and type in a word or phrase in YouTube search box, and multiple number of suggested keywords will drop automatically from the search box.

Have it in mind that YouTube’s Auto Suggest keywords are extremely valuable for SEO.

1) Google Auto Suggest

Google Search is probably number one on this list. Google’s unmatched online authority cannot be skipped. In December 2021 alone, Google had over 89.3 Billion visits to their site.

By using the Google Search bar, you can get suggestions for so many keyword ideas that people are searching for every month.

Simply visit Google and type in your word, phrase, or topic and you’ll get a lot of suggested keyword ideas within that particular topic.

Google gets billions of visits every month.


Search engines’ Auto Suggest are great places where you can find great keyword ideas that are relevant for your online content. It clearly shows you exactly what people are searching for the most online.

The top five (5) auto-suggest search platforms listed above are highly effective for keyword research. Auto suggest can also be used to identify trending topics online. So, go ahead and get the best keywords from any of the five (5) autocomplete lists.

Good luck and thanks for reading!



aliyztraffic by Aliyy z.
aliyztraffic by Aliyy z.

Written by aliyztraffic by Aliyy z.


aliyztraffic combines relevant techniques in a non-technical way for you to implement and improve your business or brand visibility online.

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